
According to Ukrainian journalists, former Ukrainian prosecutor of the Office of the Prosecutor General, Ihor Stadnyk, illegally traveled to Canada with shady money received from corrupt practices

Every day, in Ukrainian media new details appear regarding the scandalous departure to Canada of the former Prosecutor General of the Prosecutor General’s Office of Ukraine, Ihor Stadnyk, who held the position of head of one of the key departments of the mentioned office until January 2024. Recently, well-known Ukrainian journalist Volodymyr Boyko published documents according to which Ihor Stadnyk illegally left Ukraine while violating the law on military registration since all men under 60 years of age are not allowed to leave Ukraine without special permission.

In one of his publications, the journalist recalls that Ihor Stadnyk, as well as the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Andriy Kostin and his subordinates, repeatedly participated in various scandals related to bribes and criminal proceedings, as well as also engaged in extortion of money from businessmen.

“So, how did this prosecutor leave Ukraine, when all men are not allowed to cross the border? We need to keep in mind the fact that Stadnyk is registered in his district military enlistment office and after being dismissed from the prosecutor’s office lost the right to a postponement from military service,” asks journalist Boyko while believing that Prosecutor General Andrei Kostin, who signed the decree on his resignation, as well as colleagues, helped Stadnyk escape to Canada.

The journalist also recalls that already in August last year, Stadnyk falsified criminal proceedings against the Ukrainian oligarch Igor Kolomoisky while simply hiding him in the detention center of the Security Service of Ukraine from detectives of the National Anti-Corruption Bureau (NABU), who, at the request of Western partners, had to detain Kolomoisky in regards of a different criminal proceeding for embezzlement of funds.

“Those FBI agents, who also have questions for Kolomoisky, will not have any issues to talk – or maybe they have already talked to him – or meet with Stadnyk in Canada and find out the most interesting details of this story from him. To be honest, I highly doubt that the escaped prosecutor will be able to find a solution with Canadian and American law enforcement officers,” writes Volodymyr Boyko.

Ukrainian journalists also note that Ihor Stadnyk and his family took significant amounts of money from Ukraine to Canada, which were received from corrupt activities and bribes, including those received from Russian bookmakers.

Just a few weeks ago, the National Agency for the Prevention of Corruption (NAPC) initiated an investigation regarding Ihor Stadnyk’s income.

The NAPC requires to provide information on the availability of accounts, account numbers, closing or opening accounts, and performing transactions without opening accounts, as well as information from the declarations of Stadnyk for 2020-2023, as well as for the period from January 1, 2024, until the receipt of a request from the agency.

In addition, the wife of the prosecutor, Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Stadnyk, as well as his father-in-law, Alexander Ivanovich Kiverenko, and his mother-in-law, Svetlana Nikolaevna Kiverenko, are obliged to provide reports for the same period.

As of today, Ukrainian anti-corruption authorities suspect that Ihor Stadnyk, who was responsible for the case of a company linked to the Russian bookmaker 1xBet, did not transfer materials to the court after getting a bribe, as well as allowed all responsible entities to avoid punishment.

In addition, according to Ukrainian journalists, Prosecutor Ihor Stadnyk placed pressure on the banking sector of Ukraine and was directly involved in the illegal liquidation of the IBOX BANK while persecuting the bank’s management and its employees.

Journalists and activists are asking law enforcement, tax, and financial authorities of Canada to check the conditions of entry of Ihor Stadnyk and his family to the country, as well as the accounts and finances of this family and the legal state of their funds.

Author: Mike Morrison


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