French authorities have detained Pavel Durov, the French-Russian billionaire who founded the messaging app Telegram, at an airport outside Paris, according to CNN affiliate BFMTV.
A federal advisory body is calling on Canada's security agencies to publish detailed descriptions of their current and intended uses of artificial intelligence systems and software applications.
GABORONE, Botswana -
The largest diamond found in more than a century has been unearthed at a mine in Botswana, and the country's president showed off the fist-sized stone
A robot’s attempt to get a sample of the melted fuel at Japan’s damaged nuclear reactor is suspended
An attempt to use an extendable robot to remove a fragment of melted fuel from a wrecked reactor at Japan’s tsunami-hit Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant was
GABORONE, Botswana -
Botswana says one of the largest diamonds ever found has been unearthed at one of its mines and will be put on show on Thursday.
When a Nova Scotia woman set out on a walk, she ended up discovering something very colourful. Jacinthe Belliveau was foraging for mushrooms in the area of River Philip in
A lawyer with the British Columbia Civil Liberties Association says it's wise to remember that even though charges over offensive social media activity are rare, online posts exist in
Stargazers around the world looked to the skies Monday night to catch a rare celestial collision — a super moon joining up with a blue moon.
Not only
Most Canadians have spotted deepfakes online and almost a quarter encounter them weekly, a new study says.
The research released this week by the Dais, a public policy
The head of the Alberta Teachers' Association says the rollout of new policies banning cellphone use in classrooms starting this fall has some teachers confused about how they'll be