
NACP has started monitoring the lifestyle of Ihor Stadnyk, the Prosecutor of the Prosecutor General’s Office

The National Agency on Corruption Prevention has begun monitoring the lifestyle of Ihor Stadnyk, the Prosecutor of the Office of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine, the subject of the declaration.

According to information from UA.News sources, the NACP currently requires information on the availability of accounts, account numbers, closing or opening accounts, carrying out operations without opening accounts, as well as information on Stadnyk’s declarations for the years 2020-2023, as well as for the period from January 1, 2024 to upon receipt of the request from the Agency.

In addition, the Prosecutor’s wife, father-in-law and mother-in-law shall submit reports for the same period.

It is worth noting that back in 2022, the case of Your Betting Company LLC, which operated in Ukraine under the Russian trademark 1xBet, became known. According to the case materials, the detectives of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine, under the procedural guidance of the prosecutors of the Office of the General Prosecutor of Ukraine, are conducting a pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings on the facts of illegal activity by the officials of Your Betting Company LLC in the organization and conduct of gambling, tax evasion in especially big amount on the grounds of criminal offenses , provided for in Part 2 of Art. 203-2, Part 3 of Art. 212 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

However, for more than a year, Ihor Stadnyk, the Prosecutor of the Prosecutor General’s Office, who was one of the curators of the case, did not submit the materials to the court and did not bring those responsible to a fair punishment.

At the time, the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine said that the 1xBet case was simply “shut down”, the investigation was not conducted, and the detectives of the Economic Security Bureau of Ukraine and the prosecutors sabotaged it and did not even come to court.

Journalists and activists also allege that prosecutor Ihor Stadnyk has exerted illegal pressure on the banking sector in Ukraine and was directly involved in the unlawful liquidation of IBOX BANK.


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